Suitcase Stories 2017
Performed at Seymour Centre, Chippendale and Frensham School for Girls
Tug of war – Stories

Ramiz Falls in a Puddle
Anibella’s Scar Story
Kilfarkis Pram Drive
Maria’s Little Brother Makes a Birthday Party
Anibella’s Haircut
Shukrulla’s Sister Shrinks
Domyan Watches the Trucks
Walaa in Hospital
Ramiz in the Car
Domyan’s Uncle
Domyan’s Cousin
Domyan Leaves
Anibella’s Father
Lilyan’s Best Friend
Abdullah and Sultanate’s Father
Walaa Leaves
Bassam’s Uncle
Amanda at the Hairdressers
Amanda Meets ISIS 1
Amanda Meets ISIS 2
Maria’s Story
The New Normal
Tug-O-War Leaving
Domyan’s Dad in the Car
Anibella’s Football